Personalized Hemodialysis and Empowering Patients: New Approaches to CKD Management
IWG Working Group
Immunonephrology Working Group

About us
The Immunonephrology Working Group aims at encouraging research, teaching, communication and education in the field of immune system dysregulation.
IWG area of interest includes: Glomerular, tubular, and vascular immuno-mediated renal diseases; Immune mechanisms in pathogenesis and progression of renal damage; Immune-mediated damage in kidney transplantation.
The Immunonephrology Working Group’s mission is to promote and organise research in the field of Immunonephrology, to foster communication among members with similar research interests, with other Working Groups and Committees of the ERA to collaborate with the organisation of educational activities and to promote scientific networking.
Contacts & Resources

Join this Working Group
Becoming an Ordinary Member of an ERA Working Group is easy and free of charge. Ordinary Members must be ERA Members with a proven interest in the research area covered by the WG.
By joining the IWG Working Group you will receive updates on the Working Group initiatives: e-seminars, CMEs, research projects and networking opportunities.
To become an Ordinary Member and receive the IWG WG Newsletter take a few simple steps:
1. Login with your My ERA account
3. Click on Working Groups
4. Select IWG from the list and click on Submit
Latest publications
IWG Research Projects
The IWG Working Group has conducted a research project titled “Immunocompetence across Autoimmune Diseases,” made possible through the support of the ERA Long-Term Research Fellowship programme.
IWG e-seminars
IWG Board
The IWG Board provides strategic direction to the working group. Board members enhance the exchange of expertise and international cooperation.

Andreas Kronbichler

Eleni Frangou
Annette Bruchfeld, Sweden
Fernando Caravaca-Fontán, Spain
Jürgen Floege, Germany
Safak Mirioglu, Türkiye
Sarah Moran, Ireland
Stefanie Steiger, Germany
Kate Stevens, United Kingdom
Onno Teng, The Netherlands
Events organised by IWG
IWG CME Course “Advances in Glomerular Diseases“ in collaboration with Mayo Clinic and the Turkish Society of Nephrology
May 6-7, 2023, Istanbul, Türkiye
CME course videos are available here
IWG CME Course 2020 in collaboration with Mayo Clinic and the Hellenic Society of Nephrology “Athens Winter School in Nephrology – Focus in Glomerular Diseases”
February 27-29, 2020, Athens, Greece
IWG CME Course 2018 organised jointly by YNP, IWG, WGIKD, Ethics Committee and ERKNet “How to become your local expert in Nephrogenetics”
October 8-9, 2018, Belgrade, Serbia