Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Podcast host
I. Aim of the project
- To share knowledge, promote educational opportunities and discussion around trending topics in Nephrology.
- To produce innovative educational content for the ERA digital channels (social media, website).
II. Host nomination and term
- The Podcast Host is nominated by the ECC Chair after an open call. The ECC Chair will have one-to-one interviews with the candidate/candidates before the selection, if and when appropriate.
- The term of the office of the Podcast Host is strictly related to the recording and publication of a podcast series (10 episodes approximately) and he/she may be renewed for another series depending on the evolution of the project.
- An appropriate application form will be used for Podcast Host candidates.
III. Essential criteria
- Excellent scientific track record in nephrology and related subjects and its underlying sciences as well as in education.
- Recent experience in educational activities.
- Strong communication skills.
- Digital mindset.
- Good command of the English language.
- Previous experience in podcast projects (not mandatory, but preferable).
- Strongly supportive of ERA’s Mission and Vision to improve its educational aims.
- Must be a member of ERA (Full Member).
IV. Tasks
- The Podcast Host must work together with the ECC Chair, and the staff members appointed for this project. The main role is to host and moderate the pre-defined Podcasts. However, there may be the opportunity to have input into the Podcast content.
- He/she will moderate the discussion during the recording of each episode.
- He/she will promote the project. This might be via local channels within his/her institution, via national channels and his/her national society and via social media.
Last update: February 2023