Strong Kidneys Task Force
I. Objectives
The main purpose of the Strong Kidneys Task Force is to create awareness on the topic of kidney health, to raise awareness about the importance of kidneys and how to protect them. The Strong Kidneys initiative, in cooperation with the National Societies of Nephrology, promotes specific campaigns and materials with basic information about kidney health and disease for the public and medical professionals.
The Task Force has been created for a three-years term to achieve specific tasks. The Council will review the achievements of the Task Force on a regular basis in any case at least once a year. Finally, the Council can decide to extend the duration of the Task Force if needed, however, if this happens, a rotation of the Task Force members is advisable.
II. Tasks
- The Strong Kidneys Task Force must produce at least one awareness campaign per year to be distributed through the official ERA digital channels and the National Society digital channels with the aim to raise awareness on kidney health in Europe. All the communication materials should be translated from English into other European languages with the support of the National Societies of Nephrology. A non-exhaustive list of materials (for digital distribution and/or for printing) can be found here:
- Leaflets
- Videos
- Social media posts
- Posters
- Books
- Surveys
All materials should be used to promote awareness among key European stakeholders, the lay public and the press.
In addition, the Task Force should produce statements, make scientific presentations/reports aiming to promote kidney health.
- Generating campaigns with the National Societies of Nephrology:
- to enhance the collaboration between ERA and the National Societies with the aim of raising awareness on kidney health in Europe
- to distribute basic information on the importance of kidneys in different languages
- to foster interaction among different stakeholders related to the subject of kidney health and to the prevention of kidney disease
- to define educational tools/programmes/materials to promote kidney health among the lay public and medical professionals
- to collaborate with other National and International Societies not only in the field of nephrology
III. Task Force members, nominations, and terms
- The Task Force should have up to 20 members: a Chair, two Ex-Officio Members and up to 17 Ordinary Task Force Members. Depending on the nature of the initiatives more members can be added to the group.
- One of the Ex-Officio Members must be a current Council member and he/she will represent the Task Force within the Council for the three-years of duration of the Task Force.
- The second Ex-Officio Member should be the current ECC (Electronic Communication Committee) Chair.
- All the members of the Strong Kidneys Task Force, including the Chair and the Ordinary Members, will only have a term of 3 years.
- All Task Force members should be ERA Full Members, exceptions to this rule are only possible for non-nephrologists.
- The Chair and the Ordinary Task Force Members should be persons with a proven interest or knowledge in the topic, motivated and dedicated to awareness campaigns, or be otherwise useful to the Task Force.
- Eligible candidates for the position of Chair as well as the position of Ordinary Task Force Members should use specific candidacy application templates (Chair Application Template and/or Ordinary Task Force Member Application Template).
- The Chair will be selected by the Council among the eligible candidates.
- The Ordinary Task Force Members are nominated by the Chair and the two Ex-Officio Members and must be approved by the Council before their term can start.
- Any member can end their position within the Task Force by voluntary resignation, by exclusion due to serious and well-founded reasons, or by not attending two Task Force meetings in a year without a valid reason.
- All the members of the Task Force should actively support the goals and thus the tasks. The Council will be supporting and overseeing the development of the results on a yearly basis. If after a year the Task Force is unable to fulfil the main tasks the Council will be able to substitute Task Force members as needed.
- During elections/voting held within the Task Force, in case of an equal number of votes, the Chair has the casting vote.
- A diploma will be given to all Task Force Members ending their term. For more information, one should refer to the appropriate section in the “General Rules for ERA Committees”;
- The Strong Kidneys Task Force is supported in its activities by the ERA HQ.
IV. Task Force Meetings
- As mentioned above, one of the Ex-Officio Members will represent the Strong Kidneys Task Force within the Council, however, the Chair of the Strong Kidneys Task Force can be invited when deemed necessary to attend Council Meetings.
- The Strong Kidneys Task Force Members should meet regularly to pursue its tasks/goals, possibly via teleconference, however, and only if needed, one face-to-face meeting each year is possible.
- For the rules regarding the reimbursement policy for the Strong Kidneys Task Force Members who participate in face-to-face meetings one must refer to the “General Rules for ERA Committees”.
- All ERA Strong Kidneys Task Force publications and initiatives must clearly mention the fact that the Task Force is an official body of ERA and must comply with what is written with regard to this matter in the “General Rules for ERA Committees”. The sentence approved by Council related to this matter is: “This article (to be adapted accordingly) was written by (to be adapted accordingly) on behalf of the ERA Strong Kidneys Task Force which is an official body of the ERA (European Renal Association)”.
Last update: March 2023