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A história de Nuri Baris

Avançando a nefrologia ao promover a inovação e o pensamento crítico na revisão por pares

Nuri Baris Hasbal

2023 CKJ Principal Revisor

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Shkelqim Muharremi
Shkelqim Muharremi

After I finished my fellowship I feel more experienced and also already started to implement the knowledge I gained but also gave me an inspiration on what should I do better. It also opened me new opportunities on studies and researching groups.

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Andreas Kronbichler
Andreas Kronbichler

As a rather senior young investigator, the acknowledgement of the Eberhard Ritz Award reinforced me to continue my ongoing collaborations and further expanding them. It also helps to involve more investigators across the globe.

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Karoline Rosenkranz
Karoline Rosenkranz

The ERA National Grant initiative encourages young members to present their work in a professional and bigger setting and thus, developing further skills important for their future career.
It’s a great opportunity for education and recognition within the field of nephrology and gives the young members of our community a voice.

Partilhe a sua história, inspire os outros, e celebre a Comunidade ERA

Partilhe a sua história, inspire os outros, e celebre a Comunidade ERA

Deixe a sua voz ser ouvida, inspire outros e celebre a Comunidade ERA fazendo parte deste projeto emocionante. Aguardamos ansiosos as suas histórias e a oportunidade de destacar os indivíduos notáveis que compõem a nossa associação.