Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Jasper’ın hikayesi
2024 ERA Stanley Shaldon Ödülü'nün küresel iş birliği için nasıl kapılar açtığı
Jasper Callemeyn
2024 ERA Stanley Shaldon Genç Araştırmacılar için Çeviri Bilim Ödülü’nün (ex-aequo) kazananı
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Genç Araştırmacılar için ERA Ödülleri’ni Keşfedin
Diğer hikayeleri okuyun

Maria Jesus Lloret
I’ve learned the technique of bone biopsy and an approach to interpret bone histomorphometry. I have learned how the whole circuit is necessary to create a bone biopsy process. I have also learned how to set up a high-level research Project.

Stefanie Steiger
The recognition from the ERA created a lot of visibility and allowed me to join the ERA Immunonephrology Working Group (IWG) where we actively foster education, communication, research interests and promote scientific networking.

Sol Carriazo
ERA has had a significant impact on both my career and education. The resources, opportunities, and networking platforms provided by ERA have been instrumental in my professional growth.

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