Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Pierre’nin hikayesi
Önyargı, özgünlük ve uzmanlık dengesini sağlarken hakemin rolünde gezinme
Pierre Delanaye
2023 NDT En İyi İnceleyen
ERA Dergileri için bir Hakem olmak ister misiniz?
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Diğer hikayeleri okuyun

Zeynep Ural
ERA has had a profound impact on my career and education. The National Grant has not only boosted my confidence but has also paved the way for future academic and clinical success.

Philipp Gauckler
Unlike exchange programs during university studies (e.g., Erasmus), a fellowship during residency or later in professional training offers the opportunity to test and compare already established experiences, while learning key skills for one's career.

Karoline Rosenkranz
The ERA National Grant initiative encourages young members to present their work in a professional and bigger setting and thus, developing further skills important for their future career.
It’s a great opportunity for education and recognition within the field of nephrology and gives the young members of our community a voice.

Hikayenizi paylaşın, diğerlerini ilham verin ve ERA Topluluğunu kutlayın
Sesinizi duyurun, başkalarına ilham verin ve bu heyecan verici projenin bir parçası olarak ERA Topluluğunu kutlayın. Hikayelerinizi almayı ve derneğimizi oluşturan olağanüstü bireyleri sergilemeyi dört gözle bekliyoruz.