Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
L’histoire de Matej
Bourse nationale ERA : valoriser la carrière en néphrologie par l'éducation et la collaboration internationale
Matej Vnucak
République Slovaque
Lauréat de la Bourse Nationale ERA 2022 avec la Société Slovaque de Néphrologie
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Christoph Kuppe
The recognition with the 2023 ERA Rosanna Gusmano Award has markedly influence my career as it has significantly elevated my visibility and highlighted my research.

Hajir salih Ahmed
With the support of the ERA Fellowship, I have been able to broaden my knowledge and acquire the fundamental abilities needed to do research in the field of nephrology, particularly in the peritoneal dialysis department.

Armenuhi Hazoyan
Training gave me the opportunity to rise to a new professional level, work with leading experts in the field, acquire important professional partnership connections, and taught me how to choose the right sources and formats for education and continuous development.

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