Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
A história de Christoph
Os Prémios ERA para Jovens Investigadores aumentam a visibilidade e destacam a investigação
Christoph Kuppe
Vencedor do Prémio ERA Rosanna Gusmano para Jovens Investigadores em Ciência Básica de 2023
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Maria Jesus Lloret
I’ve learned the technique of bone biopsy and an approach to interpret bone histomorphometry. I have learned how the whole circuit is necessary to create a bone biopsy process. I have also learned how to set up a high-level research Project.

Diana Voskanyan
I met brilliant minds in Nephrology, doctors, nurses, psychologists who are still very eager to share their experience and to help improve our practice for children. What I have earned by participating at this program will continue to benefit my career for a long period of time.

Thimoteus Speer
The Stanley Shaldon Award was very important for my career. In the meantime, I have received three calls to the position of Full Professor and Clinic Director for Nephrology.

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