SGLT2 inhibitors and haemoglobin increase: a possible explanation of the cardiovascular benefits?
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Награды ERA для молодых исследователей, обеспечивающие мировое признание
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Победитель премии ERA Eberhard Ritz 2022 года для молодых исследователей в области клинической науки
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Aurora Perez Gomez
The ERA National Grant is a recognition of my work by the most important European society in the field of Nephrology. As I aim to pursue my scientific career in Nephrology, this grant holds significant value and deserves a place on my CV.
Turgay Saritas
The ERA Young Investigator Award has notably advanced my professional standing, enhancing both my visibility and credibility as a clinician scientist.
Anna Rinaldi
ERA National grant initiative stimulates young members to become an active member of the nephrology society and contributes to the development of their career.
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