Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Duties of the Chair of the Paper Selection Committee (PSC)
The duties of the Chair of the PSC are the following:
- Choosing the reviewers who will evaluate the abstracts;
- Deciding the cut-off score and other criteria for the acceptance and rejection of abstracts;
- Close interaction with the Chair of the Scientific Committee, especially before Council Meetings to prepare reports;
- Preparing lists of Oral Presentations Focussed-Orals and e-posters, according to the scores given by the reviewers;
- Sorting out the Grant Winners (including the “Altruistic Survey by Questionnaire” — ASQ winners);
- Sorting out the Best Abstracts;
- Preparing the programme of Free Communications sessions for the Congress;
- Preparing the programme of Focussed-Oral sessions for the Congress;
- Preparing the programme of moderated e-poster sessions for the Congress
- Preparing and distributing to the Council statistical data about the abstracts: number received, acceptance rate, etc.;
- Taking part in the Scientific Committee;
- Any other task that the Council decides.