Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Die Geschichte von Beatriz
Studium der ANCA-Vaskulitis und Entwicklung von Forschungsfähigkeiten mit dem ERA-Stipendium
Beatriz Sanchez Alamo
Ehemaliger Stipendiat an der Universität Lund in Schweden
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Karol Graňák
ERA influences my daily work primarily through education. By watching regular webinars with experienced experts in the field and accessing the best nephrology journals, I gain very valuable knowledge in nephrology. I plan to apply for a clinical fellowship abroad, which ERA also offers.

Hanne Skou Jørgensen
The ERA fellowship allowed me to collaborate with one of the foremost experts in my field, which was an amazing learning experience, in addition to being very productive, resulting in a number of joint publications.

Evgenia Preka
The ERA fellowship program in paediatric nephrology and clinical epidemiology has provided me with the specialized training and experience necessary to advance my career in this field.

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