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ERA Education Meetings – Travel Grants for Young Nephrologists


ERA provides travel grants for the Young Nephrologists who are interested to attend the newly introduced ERA Education Meetings.  

The ERA Travel Grants are offered to ERA members who are not older than 40 in the year in which the event is held. The grant consists of a complimentary Meeting registration and a financial grant. The maximum amount of each travel grant is calculated according the distance between the city/country of residence of the applicant and the city/country where the event is being held, see the Travel Grant Chart. 

Application form & deadline 

To apply for these grants, applicants must complete the application form on the relevant Meeting page. The application will be closed automatically after 25 eligible candidates have been selected.

Grant allocation & notification 

The first 25 eligible applicants will receive the Travel Grant. The ERA Headquarters will be responsible for collecting all Grant applications. The Travel Grant budget and allocation will be approved by the Council. Once the allocation has been completed, the ERA Headquarters will notify the Travel Grant applicants of their acceptance or rejection at the latest by February 14, 2025. 

Meeting attendance & Travel Grant collection 

It is important to take note of the following: 

  • Payment of the travel grant is contingent on the actual attendance of the grant holder at the Congress, who must present a valid identity card to the ERA staff present at the faculty desk during the days of the Meeting and fill in and sign the relevant form. 
  • Travel grants are personal and cannot be given to anyone else. No exceptions will be made. Payment of the grant will be made by bank transfer after the event. ERA cannot be held responsible for incorrect information provided by the grantee, which may lead to delays in the payment of the grant. Travel Grant recipients must complete the bank form included in the letter of acceptance and return it to meetings@era-online.org 
  • The travel grant will NOT be awarded if ERA has already covered the applicant’s hotel and/or travel expenses in another form.