Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
YNP Free ERA Congress Membership Programme
I. Paper-based free ERA Congress membership
- Only active YNP members can receive this free ERA Congress membership
- The free ERA Congress membership will be given to all YNP members who have had an accepted original or review publication in NDT or CKJ (subject to availability)
- This type of free ERA Congress membership can be received only once by the same person
- This free ERA Congress membership is linked to papers accepted in the year that goes from one ERA Congress to the following one and it can be used only for the up-coming Congress. Therefore, authors of papers accepted before April will be able to benefit from the free Congress membership for the current ERA Congress, while papers accepted from April onward will be able to use the benefit only in the following ERA
- This free ERA Congress membership cannot be given to eligible winners who have already received a free Congress membership by ERA under another program for the current year
- Only the first author can receive this free ERA Congress membership
- The member must send the “pdf” form of her/his paper to the YNP ( in order to apply for this free ERA Congress membership
- No more than 10 free ERA Congress memberships can be given each term (from one ERA Congress to the following one), therefore no more than 10 applications will be supported per period: the selection will be made on a first come-first serve basis
II. Congress-based free membership
- Only active YNP members can receive this free ERA Congress membership; the YNP member must be an active member both at the moment of the submission and acceptance of the abstract
- A free ERA Congress will be given, to the authors of the first best 20 abstracts for oral presentation in an ERA Congress (subject to the Paper Selection Committee review)
- Each member must indicate whether she/he wants to apply for this free ERA Congress membership programme when she/he submits her/his abstract to Congress
- The selection is based on the quality score of the abstract. The first best 20 abstracts should be selected
- No more than 20 free ERA Congress memberships can be given each calendar year
- This free ERA Congress membership obtained through this programme can be received only once by the same person
- This free Congress membership should be used in the year of the Congress when the abstract has been accepted
- This free Congress membership cannot be given to eligible winners who have already received a free ERA Congress membership by ERA under another program for the current year
Last update: February 2025