Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Die Geschichte von Andrejus
Eine Erfahrung als Mentee des YNP Mentorship Programme
Andrejus Bura
2023 YNP Mentee
Entdecken Sie das YNP Mentorship Programm
Nehmen Sie an diesem Programm teil, das junge Fachleute dabei unterstützt, ihre Karriere in der Nephrologie zu verbessern und erfolgreich aufzubauen.
Lesen Sie andere Geschichten

Jasmine Sethi
As the Social Media Editor for our esteemed NDT journal, I undertake a multifaceted role that merges the realms of communication, outreach and scholarly dissemination.

Mabel Aoun
The NDT Editorial fellowship opened the door for me to several amazing opportunities like having access to and reading all submitted NDT papers of the year.

Sherzod Abdullaev
First of all, being a member of the ERA gave the opportunity to feel confident in the workplace, learn the best global practices in the area supervised by the ERA, and earn the trust of international partners and colleagues.

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