Kidney diseases and pregnancy, and the relationship between complicated pregnancies and kidney diseases
L’histoire de Jeroen
Développement de la visibilité et de la recherche grâce au Prix Rosanna Gusmano de l'ERA en néphrologie
Jeroen de Baaij
Les Pays-Bas
Lauréat du Prix ERA Rosanna Gusmano 2024 pour Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Fondamentales
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Zeynep Ural
ERA has had a profound impact on my career and education. The National Grant has not only boosted my confidence but has also paved the way for future academic and clinical success.
Andrejus Bura
As a Nephrologist from Eastern Europe, I’ve noticed that our scientific activity is less pronounced compared to Western Europe. However, my meeting with Mentor Professor Andrzej Więcek has inspired me to be more active and strive for publications in widely cited journals
Karoline Rosenkranz
The ERA National Grant initiative encourages young members to present their work in a professional and bigger setting and thus, developing further skills important for their future career.
It’s a great opportunity for education and recognition within the field of nephrology and gives the young members of our community a voice.
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Faites entendre votre voix, inspirez les autres et célébrez la communauté ERA en faisant partie de ce projet passionnant. Nous avons hâte de recevoir vos histoires et de mettre en avant les individus remarquables qui composent notre association.