Endocrine functions of the bone and their potential contributions to systemic CKD complications
L’histoire de Zeynep
L'impact de la Bourse Nationale ERA sur le succès académique et clinique
Zeynep Ural
Lauréat de la Bourse nationale ERA 2023 avec la Société turque de néphrologie
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Philipp Gauckler
Unlike exchange programs during university studies (e.g., Erasmus), a fellowship during residency or later in professional training offers the opportunity to test and compare already established experiences, while learning key skills for one's career.
Shkelqim Muharremi
After I finished my fellowship I feel more experienced and also already started to implement the knowledge I gained but also gave me an inspiration on what should I do better. It also opened me new opportunities on studies and researching groups.
Stefania Drovandi
ERA Fellowship has allowed me to expand my knowledge and gain essential skills necessary to carry out research activities in the field of genetic diseases. I had the opportunity to work with international foremost experts and researchers and to learn from them how to properly lead scientific research.
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