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National Societies

Together to promote important initiatives that benefit the European nephrological community

Our collaboration

ERA is highly committed to strengthening its relations with the National Societies of Nephrology within its geographical area (Full Members) and also outside Europe and the countries bordering Europe and the Mediterranean Sea (Associate Members).

These represent their nation’s physicians and scientists dedicated to studying chronic kidney diseases. They work to promote patient care, advance medical research, and enlarge their community.

ERA officers regularly meet National Societies’ representatives during the National Presidents’ meeting, traditionally organised during the Annual Congress.

ERA National Society Grant

ERA National Society Grant

The ERA National Society of Nephrology Grant is given to a young person by the National Societies. It consists of three years of free ERA membership (Junior membership) plus one free Congress Membership to the annual ERA Congress.

Do you wish to apply for an ERA National Society Grant? Contact your National Society and check our regulations!


What is the ERA's role for National Societies?

National Societies within ERA geographical area

inside Europe, countries bordering Europe and the Mediterranean Sea

Albanian Society of Nephrology

Albanian Society of Nephrology

Shoqata Shqiptare e Nefrologjise

University Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa”
Dibra Street N. 372
1000, Tirana, Albania

President: Ariana Strakosha
Secretariat e-mail: alma_idrizi@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.asn.al


Austrian Society of Nephrology

Austrian Society of Nephrology

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie

6th Medical Divison, Clinic Ottakring
1160, Vienna, Austria

President: Michael Rudnicki
President e-mail: michael.rudnicki@i-med.ac.at
Secretariat e-mail: office@nephrologie.at
Website: https://www.nephrologie.at/


Azerbaijan Society of Nephrology

Azerbaijan Society of Nephrology

“Nefroloqlar Cəmiyyəti” İctimai Birliyi

41 Rustam Rustamov Str. Apt. 42
Az1118, Baku, Azerbaijan

President: Jabrayil Jabrayilov
President e-mail: jabrayilov@anc.az
Secretariat e-mail:baratyusubov@gmail.com
Website: www.anc.az


Belgian Society of Dutch speaking nephrologists

Belgian Society of Dutch speaking nephrologists

Nederlandstalige Belgische Vereniging voor Nefrologie 

p/a UZA Dienst Nefrologie
Drie Eikenstraat 655
2650, Edegem, Belgium

President: Gert Meeus
President e-mail: voorzitter@nbvn.be
Secretariat e-mail: secretariaat@nbvn.be
Website: www.nbvn.be 


Belgian Society of Nephrology

Belgian Society of Nephrology

Belgische Vereniging voor Nefrologie – Société Belge de Néphrologie

Université de Liège, CHU
Avenue de L’Hòpital 1
4000 Liège, Belgium

President: Francois Jouret
Secretariat e-mail: info@bvn-sbn.be
Website: http://www.bvn-sbn.be/


Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Udruženje Ijekara za Nefrologiju, Dijalizu i Transplantaciuju Bubrega u Bosni i Hercegovini

Bolnička 25 Clinic for nephrology
71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

President: Damir Rebić
President e-mail:
Secretariat e-mail: idacoric@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.undt.ba


Bulgarian Society of Nephrology

Bulgarian Society of Nephrology


“Lozenetz” Hospital 1, Kozyk Str.
1407, Sofia, Bulgaria

President: Emil Paskalev
Secretariat e-mail: nephcl@abv.bg
Website: www.bgnephrology.com


Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation

Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation

Hrvatsko društvo za nefrologiju, dijalizu I transplantaciju

Šubićeva 9
10 000, Zagreb, Croatia

President: Mario Laganovic
President e-mail:mlaganovic@gmail.com
Secretariat e-mail: tajnik@hdndt.org
Website: www.hdndt.org/


Cyprus Renal Association

Cyprus Renal Association

Νεφρολογική Εταιρεία Κύπρου

14 Thasou, Rita Court, Ap.501
1087, Nicosia, Cyprus

President: Nicos Mitsides
President e-mail: Mitsides.nicos@ucy.ac.cy 
Secretariat e-mail: info@nek.org.cy
Website: www.nek.org.cy


Czech Society of Nephrology

Czech Society of Nephrology

Česká nefrologická společnost

Sekretariát ČNS ve FNKV
U Vinohradské nemocnice 2487/2A
130 00, Praha 3, Czech Republic

President: Ivan Rychlík
Secretariat e-mail: sekretariat@nefrol.cz
Website: www.nefrol.cz


Danish Society of Nephrology

Danish Society of Nephrology

Dansk Nefrologisk Selskab

Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
DK-8200, Aarhus N, Denmark

President: Henrik Birn
President e-mail: hb@clin.au.dk
Secretariat e-mail: secretary@nephrology.dk
Website: http://www.nephrology.dk


Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation

Egyptian Society of Nephrology and Transplantation

الجمعية المصرية لأمراض وزراعة الكلى

Tower 19 S, near the Museum of Civilization, New Fustat,
17611, Cairo, Egypt

President: Ayman Refaie
Secretariat e-mail: esntonline@hotmail.com
Website: esnt-online.com


Estonian Society of Nephrology

Estonian Society of Nephrology

Eesti Nefroloogide Selts

Tartu University Hospital, Division of Nephrology
8 Puusepa Str
50406, Tartu, Estonia

President: Kadri Lilienthal
Secretariat E-mail:nefro@online.ee 
Website: www.nefro.ee


Finnish Society of Nephrology

Finnish Society of Nephrology

Suomen Nefrologiyhdistys

Mankkaanpuro 2 A
20810, Espo, Finland

President: Ilkka Pörsti
President e-mail: ilkka.porsti@tuni.fi
Secretariat e-mail: paula.mantula@pirha.fi
Website: www.sny.fi


Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation

Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation

Société Francophone de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation

41 rue du Lac,
F-69003, Lyon, France

President: François Vrtovsnik
Secretariat e-mail: secretariat.sfndt@gmail.com
Website: www.sfndt.org


Dialysis, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation Union of Georgia

Dialysis, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation Union of Georgia

დიალიზის, ნეფროლოგიისა და თირკმლის ტრანსპლანტაციის კავშირი

Tsinandali st. 9
0144, Tbilisi, Georgia

President: Irma Tchokhonelidze
Secretariat e-mail:
dnt.notification@gmail.com and info@dntunion.ge
Website: http://dntunion.ge/en


German Society of Nephrology

German Society of Nephrology

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nephrologie

DGfN e.V. Großbeerenstr. 89
10963, Berlin, Germany

President: Martin K. Kuhlmann
Secretariat e-mail: gs@dgfn.eu
Website: www.dgfn.eu


Hellenic Society of Nephrology

Hellenic Society of Nephrology

Ελληνική Νεφρολογική Εταιρεία

15 Meandrou Str.
11528, Athens, Greece

President: Stylianos Panagoutsos
Secretariat e-mail: ene@ene.gr
Website: www.ene.gr


Hungarian Society of Nephrology

Hungarian Society of Nephrology

Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság

Semmelweis University,Nagyvarad ter 4.
H-1089, Hungary, Budapest

President: Erzsébet Ladányi
Secretariat e-mail: manet.titkarsag@semmelweis-univ.hu
Website: http://www.nephrologia.hu


Icelandic Renal Association

Icelandic Renal Association

Félag íslenskra nýrnalækna

Nýrnadeild Landspitali Hringbraut 13-4h
101, Reykjavik, Iceland

President: Fjölnir Elvarsson
President e-mail:
Secretariat: Ragnar Palsson
Secretariat e-mail: ragnarp@landspitali.is
Website: https://www.lis.is


Indian Society of Nephrology

Indian Society of Nephrology

ISN India

Choudhary Baktawar Singh Road, Sector 38, 122001, Gurugram, India

President: H.S. Kohli
Secretariat: Shyam Bihari Bansal
Secretariat e-mail: drshyambansal@isn-india.org
Website: https://isn-india.org/

Israeli Society of Nephrology and Hypertension

Israeli Society of Nephrology and Hypertension

האיגוד הישראלי דאם לנפרולוגיה ויתר לחץ דם

35 Jabotinsky Route, Twin Tower 2
5213604, Ramat Gan, Israel

President: Bnaia Rozen-Zvi
President’s e-mail: bnaiar@clalit.org.il
Secretariat: Dr. Shira Goldman
Secretariat e-mail: shiragold@clalit.org.il
Website: http://www.isnh.org.il


Italian Society of Nephrology

Italian Society of Nephrology

Società Italiana di Nefrologia

Viale dell’Università 11
00185, Rome, Italy

President: Stefano Bianchi
President e-mail: presidente@sinitaly.org
Secretariat e-mail: nefrologia@sinitaly.org
Website: www.sinitaly.org


Italian Society of Pediatric Nephrology

Italian Society of  Pediatric Nephrology

Società Italiana di Nefrologia Pediatrica

Via Libero Temolo 4
20126, Milan, Italy

President: Mario Giordano
President email: mariogiordanobari@fastwebnet.it
Secretariat e-mail: info@sinepe.it
Website: www.sinepe.it


Kosovo Society of Nephrology

Kosovo Society of Nephrology

Shoqata e Nefrologeve te Kosoves

Nephrology Clinic, Hospital Circle
10000, Prishtina, Kosovo

President: Vjollca Godanci Kelmendi
President e-mail:
Secretariat e-mail: miloretatolaj@gmail.com


Latvian Association of Nephrology

Latvian Association of Nephrology

Latvijas Nefrologu Asociācija

Pilsonu Str. 13
LV1002, Riga, Latvia

President: Ieva Ziedina
President e-mail: ieva.ziedina@stradini.lv
Secretariat e-mail: mmotivane@gmail.com
Website: www.nefrologs.lv


Lithuanian Kidney Foundation

Lithuanian Kidney Foundation

Lietuvos inkstų fondas

Antakalnio street 124
LT-10200, Vilnius, Lithuania

President: Marius Miglinas
President e-mail: marius.miglinas@santa.lt
Secretariat e-mail: info@lietuvosinkstufondas.org
Website: lietuvosinkstufondas.org


Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association

Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association

Lietuvos Nefrologijos, Dializes ir Transplantacijos Asociacija

Eivenių str. 2
LT-50161, Kaunas, Lithuania

President: Inga Arune Bumblyte
President e-mail: ingabumblyte@gmail.com
Secretariat e-mail: rimaslausk@gmail.com
Website: http://www.lndta.lt


Norwegian Society of Nephrology

Norwegian Society of Nephrology

Norsk Nyremedisinsk Forening

Akershus University Hospital,
PO box 1000, N-1478 Lorenskog, Norway

President: Ivar A. Eide
Secretariat e-mail: ivar.anders.eide@ahus.no
Website: http://www.nephro.no

Polish Society of Nephrology

Polish Society of Nephrology

Polskie Towarzystwo Nefrologiczne

Świdnicka 36
50-068 Wrocław, Poland

President: Magdalena Krajewska
President e-mail: magdalena.krajewska@umw.edu.pl
Secretariat e-mail: dorota.kaminska@umw.edu.pl
Website: http://www.ptnefro.pl/


Portuguese Society of Nephrology

Portuguese Society of Nephrology

Sociedade Portuguesa de Nefrologia 

Largo do Campo Pequeno nº 2
1000-078, Lisboa, Portugal

President: Edgar Almeida
President e-mail: edealmeida@mail.telepac.pt
Secretariat e-mail: geral@spnefro.pt
Website: http://www.spnefro.pt/


Macedonian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs

Macedonian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs


Bul. Mother Theresa 17
1000, Skopje, North Macedonia

President: Goce Spasovski
President e-mail: spasovski.goce@gmail.com


Romanian Society of Nephrology

Romanian Society of Nephrology

Societatea Română de Nefrologie

Str Vasile Lascar 62
020493, Bucuresti, Romania

President: Ismail Gener
President e-mail: gener732000@yahoo.com
Secretariat e-mail: ionutni@yahoo.com
Website: www.srnefro.ro

Russian Dialysis Society

Russian Dialysis Society

Российское Диализное Общество

Pekhotnaya 3
123182, Moscow, Russia

President: Elena Zakharova
President e-mail: helena.zakharova@gmail.com
Secretariat e-mail: rosdialysis@mail.ru
Website: www.nephro.ru


Scottish Renal Association

Scottish Renal Association

Comann Àirneach na h-Alba

Transplant Unit Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
EH16 4SA, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

President: Arthur Doyle
President e-mail: arthur.doyle@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Secretariat e-mail:  donna.wright@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Website: scottishrenalassociation.org


Serbian Society of Nephrology

Serbian Society of Nephrology

Udruzenje Nefrologa Srbije

Clinical Center of Serbia, Pasterova 2
Sime Igumanova 4
11000, Belgrade, Serbia

President: Radomir Naumovic
Secretariat e-mail: nefrolozisrbije@gmail.com
Website: www.udruzenjenefrologa.rs

Slovak Society of Nephrology

Slovak Society of Nephrology

Slovenská Nefrologická Spoločnosť 

Slovak Medical University
Limbová 14
83301, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

President: Adrián Okša
President e-mail: adrian.oksa@szu.sk
Website: www.nefro.sk


Slovenian Society of Nephrology

Slovenian Society of Nephrology

Slovensko Nefrološko Društvo

Dunajska Cesta 162
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

President: Andrej Škoberne
President e-mail: andrej.skoberne@gmx.net
Secretariat e-mail: nefrolosko.drustvo@gmail.com
Website: http://www.nephro-slovenia.si


Spanish Dialysis and Trasplantation Society

Spanish Dialysis and Trasplantation Society

Sociedad Española de Dialisis y Trasplante

Plaza de Sants, 12, escalera izquierda
Rambla Badal 52, 1º
08014, Barcelona, Spain

President: Andreu Foraster-Rosello
President e-mail:
Secretariat e-mail: secretaria@sedyt.org
Website: www.sedyt.org


Spanish Society of Nephrology

Spanish Society of Nephrology

Sociedad Española de Nefrología

Pasaje De Peña, 2 3-C
39008, Santander, Spain

President: J. Emilio Sánchez Álvarez
President e-mail: presidencia@senefro.org
Website: www.senefro.org


Swedish Society of Nephrology

Swedish Society of Nephrology

Svensk Njurmedicinsk Förening

Njurmedicinska kliniken
Skånes universitetssjukhus, Lund, Sweden

President: Maria Eriksson Svensson
Secretariat e-mail: sekreterare@njurmed.se
Website: https://njurmed.se/


Swiss Society of Nephrology

Swiss Society of Nephrology

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Nephrologie

Thunstrasse 82, Postfach 1009
3000 Bern 6 Switzerland

President: Michael Dickenmann
Secretariat e-mail: office@swissnephrology.ch
Website: www.swissnephrology.ch


Dutch Federation of Nephrology

Dutch Federation of Nephrology

Nederlandse Federatie voor Nefrologie

Mercatorlaan 1200,
3528 BL Utrecht, The Netherlands

President: Frans J. Van Ittersum
Secretariat e-mail: secr@nefro.nl
Website: http://www.nefro.nl


Turkish Society of Nephrology

Turkish Society of Nephrology

Türk Nefroloji Derneği

Tesvikiye, Vali Konagi Street 79/1
34365, Istanbul, Turkey

President: Aydin Turkmen
President e-mail: turkmenaydin@yahoo.com
Secretariat e-mail: ozkan.gungor@yahoo.com
Website: www.nefroloji.org.tr


Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists

Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists

Українська асоціація нефрологів

Velika Vasilkivskay 29b
01004, Ukraine

President: Dmytro Ivanov
President e-mail:drivanovdd@gmail.com
Secretariat e-mail: nephrologclinic@gmail.com
Website: accemedin.com/organization/UAoN

Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists

Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists & Kidney Transplant Specialists

Українська асоціація нефрологів та фахівців з трансплантації нирки

Heroes of Sevastopol 30
03680, Kyiv, Ukraine

President: Mykola Kolesnyk
President e-mail: director@inephrology.kiev.ua
Secretariat e-mail: uan.kts@gmail.com
Website: http://uankts.com.ua


UK Kidney Association

UK Kidney Association

Brandon House, Building 20 a1
Southmead Road, Bristol, UK

President: Paul Cockwell
Secretariat e-mail: ukka@ukkidney.org
Website: UKKidney.org

National Societies external to the ERA geographical area

outside Europe and the countries bordering Europe and the Mediterranean Sea

Uzbekistan Nephrology Service

Uzbekistan Nephrology Service

O’zbekiston Nefrologiya Xizmati

Yangi shakhar, Building 9
Yunusabad district block #3
100009, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

President: Botir Daminov
Secretariat: Olimkhon Sharapov
Secretariat e-mail: olimkhon@gmail.com 
Website: https://nefro.uz/home/