Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
ERA Open Calls
Apply now: Ordinary Council Members, Working Groups, ETHICS and YNP Committees
Working Groups’ Board Members
Election of new Board Members of the ERA Working Groups
Some vacancies are available to join the ERA Working Groups and actively contribute to developing research and education activities in different areas of nephrology.
To be eligible as a Board Member of a Working Group, the applicant must:
- Have a proven track record of relevant scientific expertise that would justify being part of the Board of the chosen Working Group
- Be an ERA Full member living and practising in the ERA geographical area
- Be an Ordinary Member of the chosen Working Group
- Complete the relevant application form, including a short bio and a motivational letter
- Fill in/update the Disclosure of Interest form in the relevant section of the My ERA digital area.
Vacancies are available in the following Working Groups:
- CKD-MBD: 2 vacancies
- Diabesity: 2 vacancies
- ERN: 2 vacancies
- G&K: 3 vacancies
- IWG: 1 vacancy
There are no vacancies in the following Working Groups: DESCaRTES, ERAKI, EuDial, and EuReCa-M.
If you want to become a Board Member, please submit your candidature here by February 28, 2025.
Timeline and voting procedure
New procedure for election of Working Groups’ Board Members
According to the new ERA Working Group Regulations, candidates will be voted on by all Ordinary Members of the respective Working Group through an online voting process. The WG Boards will evaluate the candidates with the highest number of votes and then the selected individuals will be approved by the ERA Council.
- Application submission will close on February 28, 2025 (midnight CET)
- The Ordinary Members of the respective Working Group will be invited to vote
- The Board of the Working Group will consider the candidates with the highest number of votes and will nominate the new Board Members
- The Council will confirm these nominations before the ERA25 Congress
The new Board Members will start their term at the ERA25 Congress (Vienna).
ETHICS Committee
Election of new Members (3 vacancies)
In 2025, three new Ethics Committee Members must be elected.
Please note that, according to the Rules, candidates cannot be from the same country (meaning their country of residence) of the current Board members. Therefore, no candidates from Switzerland and United Kingdom can be considered for this election since the Committee already has an active Member from these countries.
Full details regarding the required documents to apply for this position can be found here.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the appropriate form by March 28, 2025.
Timeline and voting procedure
- Application submissions will close on March 28, 2025 (midnight CET).
- The Ethics Committee Board will evaluate the applications and will nominate the new Board Members.
- The Council must confirm these nominations.
- The new Ethics Committee Members will start their term following the 2025 ERA Congress (Vienna).
Young Nephrologists’ Platform (YNP)
Election of new Board Members (3 vacancies)
In 2025, three new YNP Board Members must be elected.
Please note that, according to the Regulations, candidates cannot be from the same country (meaning their country of residence) of the current Board Members (Ordinary Members). Therefore, no candidates from Austria, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and Türkiye can be considered for this election since the Committee already has an active Member from these countries.
Full details regarding the required documents to apply for this position can be found here.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the appropriate form by March 28, 2025.
Timeline and voting procedure
- Application submissions will close on March 28, 2025 (midnight CET).
- The YNP Board will evaluate the applications and will nominate the new Board Members.
- The Council must confirm these nominations
- The new YNP Members will start their term following the 2025 ERA Congress (Vienna).