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ERA Open Calls

Apply now: Ordinary Council Members

Ordinary Council Members

Election of a new Ordinary Council Member (4 vacancies)

Reserved for ERA Full Active Members only.

During the General Assembly in 2025, four new Ordinary Council Member must be elected. Kindly note that members working and living in Spain or Türkiye cannot apply since there are already two representatives within the Council from these countries: according to the ERA Constitution no more than two candidates can be from the same country (meaning their country of residence).

The ERA Council strongly supports the idea of being as representative and inclusive as possible, thus members, in particular women, young members and members from countries that are not represented in any of the current Council, Working Groups, Committees or ERA bodies in general, are encouraged to participate actively in these elections by submitting their candidatures.

Full details regarding the documents needed to apply for this position can be found here.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the appropriate form by February 6, 2025.

Timeline and voting procedure

  • Applications will close on February 6, 2025 (midnight CET).
  • The Council will evaluate the conformity of applications and confirm their validity at its Spring Council meeting (February 2025).
  • ERA Full active members will be able to vote for all valid candidates, on the virtual platform via their My ERA account, from May 21, 2025, to June 4, 2025. Full details of this procedure will be sent in due time.
  • The new Ordinary Council Member will be announced at the Ordinary General Assembly 2025, taking place during the 62nd ERA Congress (June 4, 2025).