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Diabesity Working Group

Diabetes and Obesity Working Group

Diabesity Working Group

About us

Diabesity is the ERA Working Group aiming at creating and disseminating knowledge on the Nephrological Impact in relation to Diabetes and Obesity.

European research in this field is already of very high quality. However, the magnitude of the problem requires strong and multinational collaborations between teams specialized in different aspects of diabetes and obesity (basic and clinical). This can help the interchange of knowledge and skills between established scientists in the field.

By combining various local expertise, EU collaboration could additionally benefit translational and cross-functional research on renal consequences of Diabesity. Finally, this collaborative effort should transfer to better communication between research, patients and society.

Contacts & Resources

Join this Working Group

Join this Working Group

Becoming an Ordinary Member of an ERA Working Group is easy and free of charge. Ordinary Members must be ERA Members with a proven interest in the research area covered by the WG.

By joining the Diabesity Working Group you will receive updates on the Working Group initiatives: e-seminars, CMEs, research projects and networking opportunities.

To become an Ordinary Member and receive the Diabesity WG Newsletter take a few simple steps:
1. Login with your My ERA account
3. Click on Working Groups
4. Select Diabesity from the list and click on Submit

Diabesity Board

The Diabesity Board provides strategic direction to the working group. Board members enhance the exchange of expertise and international cooperation.

Enrique Morales

Enrique Morales

Matias Trillini

Matias Trillini


Sebastjan Bevc, Slovenia

Trond G. Jenssen, Norway

Morten Buus Jørgensen, Denmark

Christoph Kuppe, Germany

William Martin, Ireland

Marius Miglinas, Lithuania

Ana Elena Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Spain

Marieta Theodorakopoulou, Greece

Events organised by Diabesity

Diabesity CME Course 2022
September 16-17, 2022, Maribor, Slovenia

CME Course “Diabetes and Obesity in Renal Disease in 2019, an update”
November 15-16, 2019, Madrid, Spain

Joint event of ERN and Diabesity WG: Cross talks between diabetes, obesity and nutrition in renal disease
Paris, France, November 8-9, 2018