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ERA Journals and Editor-in-Chiefs


ERA Journals 

  1. ERA publishes two official journals, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) and Clinical Kidney Journal (CKJ).  
  2. NDT is a hybrid journal and is the leading nephrology journal in Europe devoted to original clinical and laboratory research in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation.  
  3. CKJ is a fully open access journal and is devoted to being an essential educational and training resource integrating clinical, translational and educational research into clinical practice.  
  4. All articles published in NDT and CKJ have undergone peer review. 



  1. The Editors-in-Chief receive an annual compensation directly from the Journals Publisher. 
  2. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief are nominated by the Council following, if so decided by the Council, an evaluation by the SAB (Scientific Advisory Board), after an open call. 
  3. The term of the office of the NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief is three years and he/she may be re-elected for only another three-year term. The term starts and ends at the time of the annual ERA Congress. 
  4. To allow a smooth transition, the nomination will take place, where possible, at least six months in advance of the expiration of the term of office of the current NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief. The new appointment will become effective upon expiration of the demitting NDT and CKJ Editor-in-Chief’s mandate and, in the meantime they will be considered as NDT and CKJ Editor-in-Chief Elect. 
  5. Appropriate templates will be used for the NDT and CKJ Editor-in-Chief candidates. These must include a clear description of what he/she considers his/her future vision of the Journal to the Council prior to the official appointment done by the Council. The candidate must also send two supporting letters of ERA members together with his/her application. 
  6. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief must be ERA Full members. 
  7. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief shall be responsible for forming the Editorial Board whose names shall be published in NDT and CKJ. The Board members must be confirmed by the Council before they can be considered approved. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief may delegate, as required, the responsibility of any particular part of the Journal to a member of the Editorial Board. 
  8. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief shall be responsible for nominating the Associate Editors who receive an annual compensation from ERA. Said Associate Editors must be confirmed by the Council before they can be considered approved. 
  9. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief in consultation with the Council can nominate one of their Associate Editors in case the Editor-in-Chief is prevented to carry out his/her duties. The duration of these Associate Editors’ office cannot exceed the term of office of the NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief and must, in any case, be confirmed by the Council. 
  10. Both the NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief and their respective Associate Editors (NDT and CKJ) must sign a contract with ERA outlining their duties and responsibilities. 
  11. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief will be responsible to the Council for all matters concerning publication of the Journals and will be responsible for obtaining and editing all material to be published and for maintaining the good quality of the Journals, as outlined in their contract. 
  12. The NDT and CKJ Editor-in-Chief must collaborate to ensure that there is harmonisation between the two Journals. 
  13. During his/her term, he/she is an ex-officio member of the Congress Scientific Committee and of the ERBP Core Team. 
  14. The NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief must be invited to participate in an ERA Council meeting to present a report at least once a year. This should be done at the Spring ERA Council meeting. This report should include: 
    • An annual report of the overall activities of the Journals 
    • A detailed project or work plan for the future 
  15. For the rules regarding the reimbursement policy for the NDT and CKJ Editors-in-Chief who participates in face-to-face meetings, one must refer to the General Rules for ERA Committees. 
  16. Diplomas for the NDT and CKJ Editor-in-Chief: For this matter one should refer to the appropriate section in the General Rules for ERA Committees. 
  17. The ERA provides support (financial and logistical) for one face-to-face meeting (a year) to be held in the ERA HQ  & Educational Hub in Parma. This meeting normally is held at the beginning of the year to prepare the annual report for the Spring Council meeting and in collaboration with the Publisher. 
  18. The ERA will grant Editorial Office support for both Journals. 
  19. ERA will give due visibility to the Journals during the annual  ERA Congress. 


Last update: February 2024