Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
ERA Annual Congress Speakers’ Hospitality
I. Accommodation
Congress speakers are entitled to three nights’ accommodation in one of the Faculty hotels. In exceptional cases, and only if needed, speakers who also have other commitments can receive an extra complimentary night.
Accommodation is in a double room for single use: in case a guest has an accompanying person, he/she must personally pay the difference owed (if any).
Speakers are asked to book and pay their accommodation themselves. In order to find a room in one of the Faculty hotels, the booking must be done within a very strict dead-line. Reimbursement for the amount spent must be asked using a specific reimbursement form and by submitting the receipt: ERA will refund the amount spent for the accommodation only (i.e. no extras) within a maximum refund amount (i.e. ERA will cover the exact amount spent and it will not cover more than the maximum refund amount).
If a speaker has a sponsor for his/her accommodation, ERA will not provide/reimburse it (or will provide/reimburse it exclusively for the eventual extra nights, reaching a maximum number of three, that are not already covered by the sponsor).
II. Congress Membership
All speakers and Chairs receive complimentary Congress Membership.
III. Travel
Invited Congress speakers will not receive any travel reimbursements from ERA.
IV. Various
All the specific details and additional information is provided in the official invitation letter for Congress invited speakers.
Last update: November 2024