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ERA General Assembly

61st Ordinary General Assembly

ERA Ordinary General Assembly 2024

The ERA 2024 Ordinary General Assembly (OGA) took place on May 25, 2024, from 9.45 to 11.15 (CEST) in the Victoria Hall of Stockholmsmässan in Stockholm, Sweden and virtually.

Click here to view the Agenda of the OGA.

All presentations related to the OGA Minutes will be available upon request to secretariat@era-online.org.

Congratulations to the new Ordinary Council Members

Kitty Jager

Kitty Jager

The Netherlands
Jennifer Lees

Jennifer Lees

United Kingdom
Siren Sezer

Siren Sezer


Ex-officio ratifications

The ERA Council at its last meeting (Edinburgh, United Kingdom, February 2024) nominated the one ex-officio officer mentioned below whose term will begin in 2025. He has been ratified at the General Assembly in Stockholm, Sweden. He should normally participate in the Council for one year before taking office (Vienna 2025) with voice but without vote:

Alberto Ortiz

Alberto Ortiz

ERA Renal Science Chair