Kidney stones: When to perform a genetic test? How to manage for paediatricians and adult nephrologists?
Dilek’s story
Gaining knowledge, confidence and inspiration through the ERA Fellowship Programme
Dilek Barutcu Atas
Former Fellow at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom
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Leire Muñoz Hernando
The grant has allowed me to have access to training resources that I would not have been able to access otherwise and has given me encouragement to continue entering the world of research. In fact, I currently want to direct my professional career in this direction.

Manuel Praga
I believe that the role of the reviewer is crucial to maintaining quality research and contribute to the selection of papers worthy of appearing in top journals such as NDT. To maintain independent and quality journals is fundamental, so that the reader has at his disposal medical information of the highest quality and originality.

Alice Baganha Sabatino
The long-term fellowship for me was an opportunity to grow as a researcher and to embrace new opportunities. During the fellowship I applied and won 2 grants that will fund the continuation of my work in the same institution and research group for another year. The impact on my career couldn't have been more positive.

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