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SAB – Scientific Advisory Board


 I. SAB mission

The aim of the SAB is to advise the ERA Council to achieve its scientific goals and to improve Research in the nephrology field.


II. SAB structure

1. Composition and members

The SAB should have a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 18 Medical Scientists of high reputation (including a Chair and a Vice-Chair).

The SAB members cannot be ERA Council members. If a SAB member becomes one, by accepting the new role as a trustee, he/she automatically resigns from the Board. The final composition of the Board should have the following: at least two experts on clinical science, at least two experts on basic and translational science, at least one young person (possibly less than 45 years old), at least three women and one member representing Eastern Europe (i.e. including Balkan Countries and Turkey).

Normally no more than two members residing in the same country are allowed.

So that the above parameters can be fulfilled, the Council has the power to nominate SAB members directly – taking into consideration the parameters that were used for the original selection of SAB candidates. This rule will be applied if, after the call, there are not enough candidates for certain specific positions (i.e. women; young persons; experts in a specific field; geographical representation).

2. Election process

  1. Chair: He/She is elected by the SAB among the SAB members, when necessary, thus when the current Chair must be replaced or when his/her term can be renewed, or, again, if the current Chair resigns before the end of his/her term;
  2. Vice-Chair: The election process is the same as for the Chair. To allow a smooth transition the election of the new Chair and Vice-Chair will take place, where possible, at least one year in advance of the expiration of the term of office of the current Chair and Vice-Chair to be substituted. The new appointment will become effective upon the expiration of the demitting Chair and Vice-Chair’s mandate;
  3. Election of the Ordinary Board Members:
  • At least 3 months before the end of their terms, according to the position available (i.e. area of activity, geographical provenance, gender), under the responsibility of the Chair, an open call is posted on the ERA website and email blasts are sent to all ERA Full members. An appropriate online submission form must be used to submit candidatures.
  • All SAB candidates must have these required parameters:
    • Full ERA members;
    • Fill in/up-date their DoI available in the relevant section of the My ERA;
      • Being well-known and experienced scientists in one or more of the following fields – this list is not exhaustive, but it provides a spectrum of topics covered by initiatives normally judged by the SAB:
      • Fluids and electrolytes, tubular transport, renal physiology, nephrolithiasis;
      • Hereditary disorders, development, pregnancy, paediatric nephrology;
      • Glomerular disease and general clinical nephrology;
      • CKD – pathophysiology, epidemiology, prevention, progression, ageing;
      • Kidney Failure, Kidney function replacement Therapies
      • Transplantation and immunology;
      • Hypertension, diabetes, vascular diseases;
      • AKI, intensive care nephrology.
  • Submits their 15 most cited and the 15 highest ranked papers;
  • Mention their own H-Index (Web of Science must be used for this calculation). This will then be cross-checked by using a biometrical institute from a well-known university and adjusted.

4. All SAB candidatures with the relevant documentation will be collected by the ERA HQ. They will then be forwarded directly to the ERA Secretary-Treasurer who, after verification that all the parameters described above have been applied, will then send them to the ERA Council at least 2 weeks prior to the Council Meeting in which the election must take place. During this meeting, the Council will appoint the SAB members.

3. Terms

  1. Chair: The term of the SAB Chair will be of three years and can be renewed only once. By accepting the new role, he/she automatically renounces any eventual time left over in the term as an Ordinary member;
  2. Vice-Chair: He/she remains in office for three years and can be renewed only once. By accepting the new role, he/she automatically renounces any eventual time left over in the term as an Ordinary member;

Ordinary Members: The mandate is three years and can be renewed only once. No member can remain on the Board for more than 6 consecutive years. However, the Chair and the Vice-Chair cannot end their terms simultaneously; if this happens, the Vice-Chair should remain within the SAB for one extra year.

The SAB Ordinary members who are ending their first term and who are willing to apply for a second one must send their application following the indications outlined in the call for candidates.

Once a member has ended his/her second term, he/she can only re-apply for a position in the SAB after observing a minimum break of three years.


III. SAB responsibilities

  1. To enhance the integration of existing kidney research in Europe (countries bordering Europe and the Mediterranean Sea) into the ERA, in particular, basic research (e.g.: physiology, biochemistry, immunology, molecular and cell biology), in order to advance all fields of nephrology;
  2. To explore the ways to promote translational research in nephrology by strengthening the collaboration between basic and clinical scientists;
  3. To explore avenues of collaboration with existing research bodies (e.g.: European Community, EKHA, and other international medical Societies);
  4. To identify potential research collaborations in fields related to nephrology (e.g.: hypertension, diabetes, kidney cancer, nephrolithiasis, and transplant immunology);
  5. To contribute to the development and continuity of the scientific programme in the annual Congress. At least three (3) SAB members should be part of the scientific committee for the ERA Annual Congress. The selection of who should be part must be done by the Chair of the Scientific Committee and approved by the Council;
  6. To be involved in the selection of the ERA Awardees.
  7. To be involved in the ERA Fellowship programme, both in the evaluation of projects and fellows;
  8. To be involved in the evaluation of surveys (feasibility and possible outcomes) run on behalf of the ERA;
  9. To be involved in the evaluation of the Research projects run on behalf of or with the support of the ERA;
  10. To evaluate the annual activities of the ERA Working Groups.

The Chair and the Vice Chair will be responsible for the creation of task forces of (up to five) selected experts according to specific scientific areas for the evaluation of the aforementioned activities. If there are not enough SAB members involved in a given task force, external experts can be appointed.  Members of task forces will be asked to score/evaluate activities taking into consideration the parameters included in the General rules for the evaluation of projects by internal ERA Committees, ERA Working Groups, Long-term fellowships and Short-term fellowships regulations

The results of this evaluation will be then ratified by the SAB and approved by the Council which assigns specific budgets accordingly.

Upon Council’s request, the SAB can be in charge of any other kind of duties.


IV. Specific roles and duties of the Chair and Vice-Chair

The SAB Chair and Vice Chair are also in charge of the reports of the ongoing ERA projects evaluation, following the timelines and parameters described in the General rules for the evaluation of projects by internal ERA Committees, ERA Working Groups, Long-term fellowships and Short-term fellowships regulations.

In case of a tie in a vote, the SAB Vice-Chair has a casting vote.


V. General Rules

  1. Disclosure of Interest. When a SAB member is directly involved with any matter that SAB must judge, he/she cannot participate in the discussion/vote regarding this specific matter and must leave the meeting. He/she however can return to the meeting and participate in the discussion/vote of the other matters that are presented that, however, must not be related to the item discussed/voted upon in which he/she was directly involved.
  2. For all matters that are not mentioned in the present document (i.e. Board meetings, diplomas, and publications), please see the relevant sections of the General Rules for ERA Committees.


Last update: January 2024