The management of CKD complications from before to after the transition to dialysis
Congress Travel Grants
Ordinary Travel Grant
1. What are they?
The ERA offers up to a max. amount of EUR 1000 in Travel Grants to ERA members who are not older than 40 in the year in which the event is held. The amount of each travel grant is calculated by taking into account the applicant’s abstract score and the distance between his/her city/country of residence and the city/country where the educational event is being held.
- within the 8 best abstracts submitted by young authors – EUR 1000
- within the 80 best abstracts submitted by young authors – EUR 500
- within the same applicant’s city in which the event is being held – EUR 100
2. How will the travel grants be distributed?
The ERA HQ will be in charge of collecting all grant applications. The budget for travel grants will be approved by the Committee. Once the allocation is complete, the ERA HQ will send a notification to the winners.
3. How to request/receive them
In order to request these Grants the applicants must pick the option “ Yes, I am applying for the ERA Travel Grant and I am less than 40 years of age”, during the abstract submission procedure.
4. General Rules
The application for the travel grant is binding, should a person who has won a travel grant not attend the event for a valid reason, he/she will not be able to apply for a travel grant in the future.
Payment of the travel grant is subject to the actual participation of the grant winner in the meeting, who must show a valid identification card to the ERA staff located at the faculty desk. Awards will not be given to co-authors/colleagues/friends/relatives; no exceptions will be made. The payment of the grant will be done by bank transfer, after the event. ERA cannot be held responsible for incorrect information given by the grant winners that might cause delays in the payment of the grant.
Travel Grant will NOT be given if ERA already covers the applicant’s hotel and/or travel expenses, under no circumstances.
Last update: September 2022
ASQ Programme Travel Grants: special grants for young abstract authors coming from developing countries
A certain number of grants will be given to presenting authors of accepted abstracts (younger than 45) coming from developing countries (GDP less than USD 10,000 a year – World Bank database).
The number of grants should not be more than 10, with a minimum of 4, for each Congress: the final number will depend on how many replies will be received to the Congress survey (“Altruistic Survey by Questionnaire” – ASQ) sent the year before (normally, for each 200 replies, one grant will be given).
The Grant consists of a free Congress membership and a contribution of EUR 300.00 to help meet the travel expenses to attend the Congress.
The final selection of the winners will be done by the PSC (Paper Selection Committee) Chair taking into consideration the following parameters:
- Age of the presenting author of the abstract (preference will be given to the younger authors);
- The GDP of the Country of residence (preference will be given to the Countries with lower GDP);
- The world geographical area: the geographical area of the selected winners must be distributed as equally as possible;
- Quality of the abstract (preference will be given to the better abstracts).
Last update: September 2022